seed stock - translation to ρωσικά
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seed stock - translation to ρωσικά

Seed companies; Seed producer; Seed farm; Seed production; Seed farming
  • A street full of seed shops in [[Wuhan]], China, a few blocks from [[Wuchang Railway Station]]

seed stock      

общая лексика

семенной фонд

seed stock      
семенной фонд
  • Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company]]
  • A stockbroker using multiple screens to stay up to date on trading
Equities; Equity security; Equity securities; Stocks and Shares; Stocks and shares; Stock (finance); Cash equity; Corporate stocks; Company stock
stock 1. noun 1) главный ствол (дерева) 2) опора, подпора 3) рукоятка, ручка; ружейная ложа 4) obs. пень; бревно 5) род, семья; of good stock - из хорошей семьи 6) biol. порода, племя 7) раса 8) группа родственных языков 9) запас; инвентарь; word stock - запас слов; basic word stock - основной словарный фонд; dead stock - (мертвый) инвентарь; in stock - в наличии (о товарах и т. п.); под рукой; out of stock - распродано; to lay in stock - делать запасы; to take stock - а) инвентаризировать; делать переучет товара; б) критически оценивать, рассматривать (of - что-л.); приглядываться (of - к чему-л.) 10) ассортимент (товаров) 11) скот, поголовье скота (тж. live stock) 12) парк (вагонов и т. п.); подвижной состав 13) сырье; paper stock - бумажное сырье (тряпье и т. п.) 14) econ. акционерный капитал (тж. joint stock); основной капитал; фонды; the stocks - государственный долг 15) amer. акции; to take stock in - покупать акции; вступать в пай 16) левкой 17) широкий галстук или шарф 18) крепкий бульон из костей 19) часть колоды карт, не розданная игрокам 20) = stock company 2) 21) pl.; hist. колодки 22) pl.; naut. стапель; to be on the stocks - стоять на стапеле; fig. готовиться, быть в работе (о литературном произведении) 23) tech. бабка (станка) 24) tech. припуск 25) шток (якоря) 26) metal. шихта, колоша 27) bot. подвой stocks and stones - а) неодушевленные предметы; б) бесчувственные люди to take stock in sl. - а) верить; б) придавать значение [см. тж. stock 15) ] Syn: see soup 2. v. 1) снабжать (with); the shop is well stocked with camping supplies; to stock a farm - оборудовать хозяйство 2) иметь в наличии, в продаже; the shop stocks only cheap goods - в этой лавке продаются только дешевые товары 3) хранить на складе 4) приделывать ручку и т. п. 3. adj. 1) имеющийся в наличии, наготове 2) избитый, шаблонный, заезженный Syn: see trite


inventory, supply
1) to take stock
2) in stock; out of stock (this item is not in stock)
share, shares in a corporation
3) to issue; sell stock
4) common stock (AE; BE has ordinary shares)
5) blue-chip; over-the-counter; preferred (AE; BE has preference shares) stock
6) rolling stock ('railway vehicles')
confidence, trust
7) to put stock in smb.
8) to take stock (we must take stock of the situation)
stage productions
9) summer stock
10) to graze stock
11) of good stock
12) smb.'s stock in trade ('smb.'s customary practice')


Seed company

Seed companies produce and sell seeds for flowers, fruits and vegetables to commercial growers and amateur gardeners. The production of seed is a multibillion-dollar business, which uses growing facilities and growing locations worldwide. While most of the seed is produced by large specialist growers, large amounts are also produced by small growers that produce only one to a few crop types. The larger companies supply seed both to commercial resellers and wholesalers. The resellers and wholesalers sell to vegetable and fruit growers, and to companies who package seed into packets and sell them on to the amateur gardener.

Most seed companies or resellers that sell to retail produce a catalog, for seed to be sown the following spring, that is generally published during early winter. These catalogs are eagerly awaited by the amateur gardener, as during winter months there is little that can be done in the garden so this time can be spent planning the following year’s gardening. The largest collection of nursery and seed trade catalogs in the U.S. is held at the National Agricultural Library where the earliest catalogs date from the late 18th century, with most published from the 1890s to the present.

Seed companies produce a huge range of seeds from highly developed F1 hybrids to open pollinated wild species. They have extensive research facilities to produce plants with genetic materials that result in improved uniformity and appeal. These qualities might include disease resistance, higher yields, dwarf habit and vibrant or new colors. These improvements are often closely guarded to protect them from being utilized by other producers, thus plant cultivars are often sold under the company's own name and protected by international laws from being grown for seed production by others. Along with the growth in the allotment movement, and the increasing popularity of gardening, there have emerged many small independent seed companies. Many of these are active in seed conservation and encouraging diversity. They often offer organic and open pollinated varieties of seeds as opposed to hybrids. Many of these varieties are heirloom varieties. The use of old varieties maintains diversity in the horticultural gene pool. It may be more appropriate for amateur gardeners to use older (heirloom) varieties as the modern seed types are often the same as those grown by commercial producers, and so characteristics which are useful to them (e.g. vegetables ripening at the same time) may be unsuited to home growing.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για seed stock
1. The Agriculture Department last night took the unusual step of insisting that U.S. farmers refrain from planting a popular variety of long–grain rice because preliminary tests showed that its seed stock may be contaminated with a variety of gene–altered rice not approved for marketing in the United States.
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